Wangqu Project Team Complete C Level Maintenance for Two Units

viewed:631 日期:2015/6/4 9:35:56

From  February 29th, 2015, Beijing Boqi Wangqu Project team devoted  themselves into the C level maintenance work for the two units. They gave up the  weekends and holidays to work in the project and finally complete the  maintenance on April 18th.

In  the earlier stage of the maintenance, each specialty team compiled the  maintenance documents packages, the maintenance projects network diagram, the  site arrangement plan and the network project time control plan. They had a  detailed and overall plan for the project. During the maintenance period, they  held the regular meeting every day to coordinate and arrange the site work. They  insisted to the principle of “Zero Tolerance” for safety supervision, eliminated  “Three Violations” in the site, and carried out “6S Management” standards in the  site.

The  project team started their work from the source, followed up and strictly  checked the maintenance safety and quality to finish the work in safe, high  quality and efficient and achieved the objective of “Doing the Maintenance in  Necessary and Excellent”. They completed 228 W point acceptance and 136 H point  acceptance in total.

     During the process of C level maintenance, it was 3 times to be rated as  excellent working area. After the units’ start-up, all the equipment operates  well without leakage and abnormalities. Through the whole staff’s efforts of  Wangqu Project team, the two units’ maintenance was successfully completed in  safe and high quality.